Stage 18&19 Titles Issued - May Newsletter

Stage 25A – physical works now complete

Stage 25A – physical works now complete

Stage 18 and 19

Stage 18 is completed with Titles issued 13 April 2023. Stage 19 has received S223/224C from Council and the titles were lodged to LINZ on 17 May 2023. Based on the current processing timeframes with LINZ, titles for Stage 19 are expected mid June 2023, with settlements being due late June 2023. 

The following documents are now available for both stages to assist with you Building Consent applications.

  • Geotechnical Completion Report

  • Services As Built Plans

  • Draft LT Plan

  • Council approved street numbers

Please find these documents in the link below:

Stage 18 Documents:

Stage 19 Documents:

Stage 20

Stage 20 construction works are underway with stormwater and wastewater 80% complete (see photo below). The subgrade improvement layers have been installed with the drainage, and we are working with the service providers to for services install. Stage 20 sections are now available for purchase. Titles are anticipated to be issued in May 2024. Section numbers are limited (39 sites in total), so please get in touch with the team to secure the site(s) for your next build.

Stage 20 works well underway

Stage 20 works well underway

Stage 25A

Stage 25A is practically complete with asphalt down, concrete completed, plants in and the sites contoured to their final shapes. The final Council Walkover was undertaken 30 May 2023 and all went very well. Titles for this Stage are anticipated to be received around mid August 2023.

Wet Sites!

Winter is now upon us, with rain days increasing and sites becoming increasingly wet. Please keep this in mind when taking deliveries, specifically: 

  • Heavy vehicles should avoid driving on bare, wet sites.

  • Dirty/muddy wheels need to be cleaned prior to driving on asphalt.

  • Any sediment or wheel tracks need to be cleaned ASAP to avoid damaging the asphalt. Large chunks should be removed with a spade and the road then swept.

Contact Greenhill Park

We have a range of sections available from large sites that would suit a single dwelling, to high density lots. To view available sites visit https://www.greenhillpark.co.nz/sections/ or get in touch with Brendon on 0800 639 929, or email info@greenhillpark.co.nz